Frequently Asked Questions

I’m eager to start learning tai chi. When can I start?
You may start training with us at any point. We work individually with students, so any time is the right time! There are no terms or beginning dates.
Do I need special clothes or footwear?
When and how do I pay for classes?
Who are the instructors?
Tai Chi Chuan looks intriguing but I might take a while to catch on. Is that a problem?
I'm eager to start learning tai chi. When can I start?
You may start training with us at any point. We work individually with students, so any time is the right time! There are no terms or beginning dates.
How do I know this is a real tai chi experience? Is there a legitimate lineage in your school?
You should look for a solid lineage as you explore martial arts schools. In our case, we are operating under the auspices of Sifu Genie Parker, disciple of Grandmaster Eddie Wu Kwong Yu (fifth generation of the Wu family, and Gatekeeper of the Wu style of tai chi chuan). Teachers are all her advanced students and disciples, and most are certified to teach by the Grandmaster of the International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation.
Is there an order of training at your school?
Yes, you begin with our 12 Form. After you learn that, you will move to our 108 Standard Form. After going through the first third, you are eligible to begin learning meditations and pushing hands (a set of two-person exercises). When you have finished the 108, you may pursue weapons forms (sabre, spear, sword) and our round forms.
How many classes are recommended, and what kinds?
It’s best to work in person, and to take two classes a week if your schedule allows.
What age(s) are welcome?
While we will work with anyone, we have found that children and teens find the slow pace less attractive than do adults. We have no upper age limit--people train well into their 80s!
I have some mobility issues. Can I still take classes?
We have a chair tai chi class which might be a good option. We can also adapt our standing forms to allow you to train in a regular class. Talk to your instructor and we will do what we can to make it possible.
What type of clothing and shoes should I wear?
We recommend loose, comfortable clothing that will allow you to move easily. No tank tops or shorts above the knee, please.
Soft, flat soled shoes are best. Some people train just in socks. You can buy inexpensive tai chi shoes if you’d like. These have cotton soles, or rubber soles (which are best for outdoor classes).
Where do you offer classes?
Our academy is located in the Chapelle Business Center, 111 S. Wallace Boulevard, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. We have in-person, online, and hybrid (in-person + online) classes there many days of the week. In the summer, classes are often scheduled in local parks. We also offer classes at offsite locations in Ann Arbor and metro Detroit.
What if I have other questions?
Write us at We’re happy to answer all your questions!